Wednesday, 15 October 2014

WINOL Sportsweek 15th October 2014 - Feedback

-          Drew, you look tired. Get some sleep – or do less work!
-          In all seriousness though, again, you were calm and composed presenting but you really need to ‘punch’ through those headlines – you are not selling the show to me, you are just telling me what I can see.  Really sell it!
-          I’m going to make a rule in regards to the OUTRO at the end of the show. No more “Goodbye” – I don’t think it works. Keep the ending simple with a promo of the website, or say “Make sure you join us next week for all the latest from WINOL Sportsweek”
-          Think we should give somebody else a presenting opportunity next week – let’s see what others can bring to the party – I’m not sure presenting is for you Drew, I just feel that enthusiasm in your voice enough to really sell it. If you get the chance to watch any of Angus’ work, have a look. The way his tone is for everything he does in a studio is truly excellent. Or take a look at how Winchester Alumni Aarran Summers presents/presented. I work with him here out in Doha for the beIN Sports News bulletins every day and he has really learnt how to sell it.

-          Nice to see them back. I think you need them. Don’t be afraid to write longer script for your headlines. Remember, this is what attracts your viewers to the show – if they aren’t good, then the rest of it won’t be. Grab their attentions immediately. I don’t think they quite did that this week.

AFC Totton vs Bridgwater – Elliot Buckley
-          First of all, am I right in thinking you showed the fight before the goal, even though the goal was first? “Bridgwater Town had taken the lead prior to this” – BIG, BIG NO. I don’t care how big of an incident it was….don’t show us something before we are meant to.
-          I like your VO – it’s calm and self-explanatory, but like Drew, just try and sell it more for us – sound excited about it! This is big for WINOL Sports – non league football! Really sell it to me. Also, just be wary of your accent. As I said last week, pronunciation is key, so do not rush your voice….be patient and take your time. It’s not a race to make the quickest VT.
-          Straight not to tell us EVERYTHING we are seeing. I can see it, so I don’t necessarily need you to tell me what I am already seeing. Think about ways to script your VT without stating the obvious.
-          Really like the end – quite funny actually and very receptive by the fans. Nice way to end it.
-          No post-match interviews? As I said to the others last week, for future reference I think this is a must every game.

Winchester v Christchurch – Rhodri Cannon
-          First of all Drew & Rhodri, well done for mentioning Leigh Mills but I think you’ve missed a trick here. That is a story within itself. There should have been two separate stories here – one for Leigh Mills and one for the game. Just a thought…..if you didn’t have enough to make a VT for Leigh Mills why not just do a link to the managers talking about him? Also, it was a short soundbyte…..I imagine more questions were asked how Mills, how Winchester were going to cope without him, his reasons for leaving. I know why because I asked some people and I read up on it but our viewers don’t. I would have linked to a straight up interview of the managers and ALL the reaction to Leigh Mills leaving Winchester. AND DON’T BE AFRAID TO RUN A LONGER INTERVIEW – IT’S BIG NEWS FOR THE LOCAL FOOTBALL TEAM – I WANT TO HEAR AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE!
-          AND THEN….I would have come back in vision and gone with something like this….”Well with Mills having departed Winchester, the Citizens had to quickly regroup and turn their attentions to league against Christchurch on Tuesday night. Our reporter Rhodri Cannon was at the Denplan”
-          Right, Rhodri your match VT……first of all…..where on earth is the first goal? I saw the equaliser, but I didn’t see the opening goal. We must see it.
-          Penalties…….show the penalty incident EVERY TIME. Penalty incidents are talking points. Was it rightly awarded, was it not? The Christchurch manager at the end referenced those decisions yet we only saw the 2nd penalty incident. We have to see that too. Don’t leave anything out.
-          Is there a random cut during the celeb of the Own goal? It just cuts bizarrely – just double check the edit on that!
-          BIG, BIG NO Rhodri. “Winchester completed the rout, as they ran out 7-1 winners” – nice line, but where on earth are goals 5 and 6?! I don’t see them! There were 8 goals in this game and I haven’t seen 3 of them – HUGE RESULT AND SCORELINE! We want to see goals – was there a reason they were left out? Did you miss them? Or did yu choose not to put them in? Drop me an email and let me know.
-          VO was calm and collected again. Emphasis though – really sell this game to me! There’s always been a bit of a fear factor with voicing VT on WINOL – don’t be afraid to really go hard on your voiceover artistry.
-          “Rhodri Cannon, WINOL” – lose that completely! Just end your VT on the manager talking. It was a nice way to end. He was angry at the referee’s performances. The game has already finished and then you show the game still going on….get what I mean? Just end it on the manager. We didn’t need an SOQ there.

Ultimate Frisbee – Amy Catlin
-          Amy, I think you’ve done a great job with this. Your voiceover was great, it was informative, and I genuinely found the piece very interesting.
-          I even think the guy you interviewed was an intriguing and well-spoken man too.
-          There’s not a huge amount I can say to critique this in all honesty. I really enjoyed it.
-          I liked your OUTRO – you moved it forward by telling us when their next tournament is, so make sure we pursue that and get that on WINOL next time.
-          Overall this was a good VT, it was simple, it was interesting and it had that balance between feature-like and news-like. Very well done Amy.

-          Still some vast improvements to be made team but that will take time. It’s a new team so it will take some time to bed in. Just keep enhancing your camera, editing and voicing skills.
-          Drew, the duration is a real issue for me. I don’t know how restricted you are in terms of manpower but I think you need to get voicing a VT. You are sports editor, you lead the team and all we’ve seen from yu is presenting links for Sportsweek – this is YOUR show which you editorialise and control. You are the senior person on the sports team so set the bar high and the team will follow. Move away from the presenting next week- see if somebody else fancies a shot – get back out in the field and get working on those VTs.
-          I feel the VTs, particularly the football ones are a bit short. Are you telling that in 90 minutes of football we can only get 1’30 of game time into a VT. Don’t be afraid to go further and do more. I want to see as much of these games as possible. Sportsweek if your show guys, you are not restricted to a set time. We MUST start getting this show over 10 minutes and then expanding on that from there. There were some weeks as sports editor that I would film a game on a Saturday, edit it on the Sunday, then interview a sports personality on the Monday, edit that Monday/Tuesday daytime before going to film another game on the Tuesday night and having it all ready for the Wednesday WINOL News bulletin. It is hard work but you will reap the rewards of expanding your showreel, putting in the hours and making your work count. This is the perfect platform to do just that.
-          Keep working on those views – promote and plug your programme anywhere and everywhere – get those views up and running!

P.S. I have a full MOV. Exported version of a beIN Sports news bulletin I produced and Aarran presented a few months ago. I am more than happy to send to you all if you would like to see it as a guide on how to structure a sports news bulletin. I think it will really benefit you to see the standards that can be set. If you want to see it then please email and I will get it sent to you.

 If you have any queries or questions please do not hesitate to contact me – my twitter is @G_Messenger or you can email me on

Friday, 10 October 2014

WINOL Sportsweek 8th October 2014 - Feedback

·         - First of all, it’s great to see Sportsweek back up and running for another year. I’m really looking forward to what you can all bring to the party throughout the coming months.
·         - Drew – nice work filming the links at the Camrose – it’s always nice to have a show like Sportsweek out in the open at venues. However, one thing that I immediately noticed was the fact the links were shot in the same place. I think I said this to you guys last year, don’t keep yourselves fixed on one spot in the ground, and if you have to – pick a better spot than the one you chose. Is that a bin behind you too? Not great to see.
·        -  Also, was this done a matchday? Could the links have been recorded with more people in the stadium? If not, then why have we done it in a moreorless empty stadium? No atmosphere in the ground, no atmosphere on the show.
·         - Presenting was good. Calm, composed, clear. I do want to see some enthusiasm in your voice though. Very monotone – try and give it some welly and sell the show to your viewers. I want to be encapsulated in the programme, not waiting for the end.

·         Have we scrapped headlines? They are a key part of the show. I think you need them. We need to tease what’s coming up on the programme.

Basingstoke Soccer AM Stadium – Marc Betts

·       -   Personally I would not have run this story as it is old but I understand why it has run because of it being the first week of WINOL and what not, it seems a crime not to do something on it.
·        -  “Attendances boost” – yeah, I’m sure they have, so where are the fans? All I see are about 5 players/officials talking on a pitch. That was a great opportunity to demonstrate the attendance boosting, think you missed a trick there.
·        -  Good work getting some sort of reaction from somebody at the club talking about the new stadium. However, why am I looking down on him? Could the camera have not been eye level with him? Just think about the height of your interviewee and the camera. Otherwise it was nicely framed and it was important to your VT, so well done.
·        -  Good work getting the plans for the new stadium. Whilst listening to this particular part though I noticed pronunciation issues in your VO. “Ability” sounded like “abilaee” and “Capacity” sounded like “capacaee” – I had issues on certain words and letters when voicing so just work hard to annunciate correctly – it goes a long way.
·         - Otherwise, you did what you could with this and I think it was a good news story to get the show up and running.

Basingstoke vs Whitehawk – Ross Perkins - First up, Drew’s link to the actual VT….in future never say “last night” – I watched this week’s programme on Friday and I know for a fact this game didn’t happen on a Thursday. Future reference…let’s say the day or don’t mention the day at all. Keep it current.
·         - Ross, I must praise your VO. It’s very good. You oscillate well and you know when to be more upbeat and you know the terminology and use it well to flow into what we are seeing. Good start.
·        -  The match sting….I really like these. Next time though - use the audio from the game and just have it bubbling underneath . The silence while waiting for the first piece of action was too awkward. Get the ‘atmos’ up underneath those stings.
·         - Well done getting a replay on Chris Flood’s goal – next time, use the audio from the main camera and just carry that under the replay. In the end I just heard slow motion sound from the fans behind the goal. Ruined the flow of your VT. Good stat about his 8th goal though – try and get these in every week.
·        -  I think you tell us too much of what we are seeing. Try not to do that. It is quite tricky in your early WINOL days but just try not to state the obvious. I can what’s happening, so just elaborate on what we are seeing with stats, facts, figures, etc.
·         - Not a fan of full time scenes at all. I don’t think you need them, except in certain circumstances. Also, check your audio mix from the last chance to the full time whistle – it was very harsh on the ears.
·        -  I like this though Ross. I’m not sure if this is your first time on WINOL but you have the elements of a match VT in good shape already. Just perfect the good bits and improve on the bad bits.
·         - Any post match interviews? I think these are a must for every reporter at every game. It’s great hearing your voice and seeing the game, but what about the players and staff involved in that game. They went top! How are they feeling? I don’t know because I didn’t hear from anybody. Just a thought for next time.

Totton v Taunton – Rhodri Cannon
- Match sting – audio underneath – very good. FYI Ross – this is what I meant in reference to your piece. Have a look at what Rhodri has done.
 - I don’t think you needed a replay on the Sherbourne chance. It didn’t come to anything – didn’t show us anything. Bit pointless.
- Okay, that Taunton goal. Two things:
1) Why did we see the build up to the goal so late? 
2) Where was the celebration? I counted 4 seconds. 4 seconds to show build up, goal AND celeb for the first goal of the game? Big NO.
- Good work on the red card. I felt the camera was moving a bit too much for me, but we saw the incident and the aftermath.
-The Totton goal has been cut well from main camera to celebration but did you say Ryan Flooks scored? So why did the graphic say Rob Flooks? Either way it’s a fatal error. What is his name? I don’t even know now! You must ensure every part of your VT, from voicing to visual GFX are correct.
- Winning goal – well done with the replay. That replay was used to good effect
- Your sign off – “Rhodri Cannon, WINOL, Totton” – well, I do not know if this is a style guide you have on the course but I know you are in Totton. Unless you’re in Europe for  Champions League game or you are doing a piece to camera it doesn’t work, next time, just “Rhodri Cannon, WINOL”
- Good work Rhodri – action packed game! Like Ross – get some post match interviews please.
- Like Drew, just a bit more enthusiasm in your voice next time!

Fleet Town Ladies – Rachel Gunter
·         - Okay, the link to this tells me the story straight away. £6000….and then what do we do in the VT….we repeat exactly what Drew says. We must focus on our links and our opening lines in VTs – keep them different – why are we repeating ourselves?
·        -  Kevin Jordan actually speaks very well. I actually find it quite interesting listening to him as I did not know about this story. So good work on getting him and more importantly using the best quotes.
·         - Really like your piece to camera. Good work – very informative, clear and well shot.
·         - Big fan of this. It’s simple, it’s clear and it tells us the story and it attracts a local audience which is exactly what WINOL should be doing this early in the year.

-  This is a real issue for me and always has been – even when I was in charge of Sports on WINOL. I don’t know how stretched you are in terms of manpower of equipment but the duration of the programme. A week of sport and all that we have out of it is 6 minutes 38 seconds? That must improve in my opinion. 4 reports coming to 6 and a half minutes is not good enough. As a rule, WINOL Sportsweek should really be over the 10 minute mark every week –please think about new ways to expand and enhance the programme.
 - Views…..another big problem I had and still have. When I first watched this (on Friday night) this show on Youtube had 28 views. Why so little? When I was in charge of Sports I was averaging between 1500-2000 views every week with a top weekly viewing just on youtube of nearly 4000. Why do the work if nobody is going to see it? It is so important that as a sports team you promote YOUR sports programme. Non-league forums, Twitter, Facebook, blogs, anything to get people watching your show – Drew this is your responsibility mainly as sports editor but it’s just as important that all of you get on board and encourage people to watch the work you do!
·        -  I don’t think you need the credits – nobody knows you. May I suggest a weekly closer? A musical round up of all the action we’ve seen this week on WINOL Sportsweek. Food for thought next time.
·         It’s a good start though guys, and being the first week, I don’t expect a masterclass from everybody. But the elements are there and the structure is there – now let’s think of ways we can expand it in an editorial, technical and creative sense. When you do something good, how can you do it better? Always be looking to improve.  

    If you have any queries or questions please do not hesitate to contact me – my twitter is @G_Messenger or you can email me on