This week we had Panorama undercover reporter Claudia Murg in to discuss investigative journalism and to tell us of her experiences in the field with Panorama, and how she uncovered the then poor showing by the immigration sector at ports and coastal areas.
Anybody can make an FOI request to any public authority, except from UK security and intelligence forces who are not allowed to hand over information if an FOI is made to them. Every other organisation must give you information or respond to an FOI request.
Requests can be waiting for some time, and especially if requests written out are not specific enough and if not specific enough then the company can respond and ask you to refine your search before they give any information.
If the request is specific then the company has 20 days to return the information to you, or if they do not send information to you then a reason must be given as to why the request has not been given a informative response within in the 20 days. If the request is not specific enough then this would be a fair enough reason for them to not send over the information because it is not specific enough.
FOI requests are usually free for nearly all companies. However, there are some exceptions, and these are if retrieving the information costs more than £600 or if it is more than £450 for local councils.
The Freedom of Information Act 2000, which came officially into effect in 2005 became the UK's first right of access to information held by departments run by the Government and other public authorities within the UK.
This has been a revelation for Journalists because it has the potential to release some huge, exclusive, and interesting stories, including the Government.
Around 100,000 major and minor bodies in the public sector are covered by the Act including the Home Office, Foreign Office, the House of Commons, the House of Lords, the armed forces, national park authorities, universities, schools and colleges, the NHS, and local governmental authorities plus some many more.
Confidentiality and a breach of confidence is literally defined as the principle that a person who has obtained information in confidence should respect that and not use it as a major advantage.
Governments use the breach of confidence idea to protect TOP SECRET information, and individuals use it to protect their private lives. For journalists, breach of confidence is vital because the main thing that can be introduced to prevent a breach of confidence is an injunction which stops the media from reporting and publishing any kind of information.
Here are some examples of injunctions being imposed by celebrities, and how the court has overturned that injunction against the celebrity allowing the media to publish or report articles which they believe to be in the interest of the public.
There are three main elements in a breach of confidence:
the information must have 'the necessary quality of confidence'
there must be an unauthorised use of that information to the detriment of the party who communicates it
the information must have been imparted in circumstances imposing confidence
For journalists, they are third parties in terms of confidentiality but of course not in all cases, but in the majority of cases, journalists are third parties and therefore the information has been obtained indirectly. Journalists who realise the information is confidential and who come into possession of confidential files may have to respect the law and respect that confidence and its contents. A person who passes on the information to a journalist may have received that information in confidence. However, the media become affected because if the person who holds the confidence themselves discovers the intentions of the media to publish the confidential material, they can push for an injunction which can stop the release and publication of the confidential information, whether that be temporary or permanent.
If the act of an injunction is disobeyed, then the result could be contempt of court and immediate action being taken.
An obligation of confidence is is a contractual relationship meaning that people working for others have a contractual obligation to not reveal their employer's secrets. But, this is not a legal fact because in a sort of "unwritten law" it is suggested that an employee will not cause detriment to their employer's career or ethics.
The main case for privacy is Princess Caroline of Monaco who worked to get an injunction on the paparazzi to stop taking photographs of her in her daily private life. Even though she lost the first case in court, she appealed and won her case for privacy. It is said that there is no logical reason to know the whereabouts of any person in their private life, regardless of how famous they are or not.
If photographers or media want permission to film or take pictures of somebody in their private life they will need permission from the person wanted, and they will need consent, and in privacy, there are two types of consent.
Implicit consent, which is getting the person involved looking directly at the camera so they know they are being filmed,r o if you wanted evidence of consent then get consent recorded on camera.
Explicit consent, and this is the signing of a contract or some form of document. If you wanted evidence then this is useful because you will have written proof of their consent to record, film and take images of them.
Although, despite this, Article 8 on privacy claims that "Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence. Privacy mainly affects magazines and tabloids as they are more based on celebrity and their private lives. You must have consent when filming someone or taking their picture."
This week we had Peter Hodges who was previously Head of Contacts and Copyright of the BBC, who started the lecture by giving us an animated black and white picture of the way copyright works through publishers, agents, lawyers, companies etc.
Copyright is a property right, and infact anything you do is a property right, and copyright protection starts as soon as a piece is published. Sound, films, television, graphical arrangements, performances, design rights all come under the copyright law because they are pieces which have been pulished by a creator and owner.
When referring to songs, if a song, if some of the song is wanted to be used within a news report or a feature, then the performance must be cleared by the performer, aka the person who performed the cover of a famous song, and the song must also be cleared by the company or the composer. So the person who created the song needs to clear its copyright, as does the act who performed the piece of music. However, music at a football match, or work which includes artistic work is all fine because it is classed as 'incidental inclusion', so that's why at many football matches, you hear music on a tannoy, that is fine because it is occurring without realisation or any way of rectifying it. There is a protection of music or sounds of copyright. The length of the protection is 50 years, after the composer's death or after its releae, whichever is later. So for example, Michael Jackson's song with Akon, "Hold my Hand" would be 50 years later from its release because the song was released AFTER Jackson's death, in a posthumous album.
The same would apply for songs and sounds within an opera, but there are many more copyright issues than just the music. Peter showed us an opera in the lecture and asked us to think about what could potentially prove to be a stumbling block under the copyright law within the clip of an opera he showed us. Well, there is clearance for designers, for such things as clothes, costumes, wigs, make-up, and also clearance for the set and studio, because despite being pre-agreed, copyright is still fruitful in performances because it is a law which affects everything, from music to film, from pictures to performances. It covers the person or object as soon as it is a published piece. The way about thinking whether include a piece which is protected is whether to include it (whether clearance has been verified, payment made, or if it is relevant to the piece) and the system of how to clear it (copyright).
If a film or a news package is shown to a friend but is not published then it is not protected by copyright law, but as soon as the piece is published to the internet or television then it becomes protected. A DVD is protected for 50 years, and a book is protected for 70 years under the law.
There is also copyright and privacy over photographs, and you need written consent to use to photographic content by an artist or a performer, etc.
Within your pieces, or works, it is necessary to give acknowledgement and credit to the owners of the original music, sound, footage, image, etc, and this can be done for example by saying "Courtesy of..........." When using this, this is usually known as fair dealing. Fair dealing is when you are allowed to use small amounts of footage for a film, games, music video, news package for free, but the minimum you must do is credit the company or composer within the piece when using that copyrighted item. Another thing to remember is that the piece you use must only be a few seconds long at most in your item, like a "snippet" or a "teaser" in your item.
Qualified privilege is available as a defence when it is believed that the facts should be freely known in the public interest, and that they are important. In certain circumstances, there is privilege at common law for the publication of statements that are defamatory.
Qualified Privilege gives as much protection as absolute privilege, provided that the defence's requirements are met, but it is important to remember that the requirements for qualified privilege are different to those of absolute privilege. The basic requirements of qualified privilege defences is that the published report is fair and accurate, and s published without any form of malice. There is also a general requirement for qualified privilege that the matter published must be a matter of public concern and that the publication is a matter of public interest and in the benefit of the public.
However, there is no qualified privilege for a media report for defamatory statements made by councillors after a meeting when they have been asked to expand or explain their statements made during the meeting. This is an example of the Henry case which shows protection of statutory qualified privilege which applies only to the reports of the actual proceedings at the occasion.
Slander is a defamatory statement which is spoken or expressed in any other form which is not written or an image, because libel is more of a permanent form. But, there are exceptions to slander which are, that if a defamatory statement is broadcast on the TV or radio then that is classed as libel, and if the defamatory statement is in a public performance of a play. In slander, as with libel, there must publication to a third person or party, but in libel damages will be assumed whereas in slander the dmages must be proven very firmly, except in four particular cases:
any assumption that an individual has committed crime which prison is a punishment
any assumption where the person is suffering from a disease which causes them to be shunned or avoided
any assumption of immoral sexual behaviour in a woman
any statement which has caused a person to be disparaged in their trade or profession
Journalists are less likely to involved in slander cases than in any libel actions, but it is vital to be wary of the danger of slander.
Now onto a topic which I have a keen and particular interest and that is Defamation and, more broadly, Libel.
Libel can be committed if any of the following occurs:
Whether the defamation occurs (Defamation)
Whether the person is identified (Identification)
And if the piece has been published (Publication)
Defamation means writing an article that can cause damage to a reputation, cause a person to be shunned or avoided, disparage them in their business or trade and lower them in the estimation of right-thinking people. These are usually used by judges when explaining to juries whether a statement is defamatory or not.
What is Safe, dodgy and libel? Because someone else is libel, you cannot publish because you are in the firing line for damages. What is defamation? If what you write or broadcast about someone or a company tends to harm the reputation or the look about of people.
Defamation via pictures is a common danger in television. The careless use of background shots with voice over can be defamatory, as can people or companies because they must not be identifiable in certain contexts.
Reputation is precious, especially if you in the public life, have money, or both. Meaning is interpreted by 'reasonable man' and inference is a hazard.
There are defences to libel though dependent on situations. There are four main defences:-
Justification - "it's true and I can prove it in court!"
Fair Comment - honest, held opinion based upon facts, or privileged material that is in the public interest
Absolute Privilege - court reporting, gives journalist the right to report what actually happens on occasion. A journalist is protected by AP when reporting what is said at the time.
Qualified Privilege - police quotes, pressers. When it is considered important that the facts should be freely known to the public and their interests. (more in my next blog on QP)
There are more defences against libel though. There is 'bane and antidote' which means that defamation is removed by the context. Also, the Reynolds defencehas a ten-point plan which can defend against libel and defamation. The defence protects the publication of defamatory material, provided it was a matter of public interest and that it was from 'responsible journalism'. The ten point plan of the Reynolds defence is as follows:-
Seriousnessof the allegation
The nature of the information
The source of the information
Steps taken to verify the information
The status of the information
The urgency of the matter
Whether comment was sought from the claimant
Whether the article contained the gist of the claimant's side of the story
The tone of the article
The circumstances of the publication, including the timing
Here are some cases of libel results in the last year - Roman Abramovich vs The Daily Mirror - Simon Singh vs BCA - Harry Kewell vs Gary Lineker
In a link to the previous blog post on courts, I will talk about court reporting and what can and cannot be done within a court when reporting on a case.
As a journalist, there are certain rules you must undertake when reporting the courts and crimes which have gone on trial. Firstly it is important to remember when a case becomes active, you run of the risk of being in contempt of court. The case becomes legally active when one of the following is acted upon: when an arrest is made; when an arrest warrant has been issued; when a person has been charged or when the magistrates order a summons. A magistrates is a civil officer who lays out the law in criminal offences but civil cases will not be dealt with by the magistrates because this is not the order of the courts.
Prejudice is also a key factor in contempt of court, because it mean
s writing an article or a piece that gives your audience and readers an opinion which may not necessarily be in the favour of the defendants. If material which creates SUBSTANTIAL risk of severe prejudice to the active proceeds, regardless of your intent when writing, then you are guilty of contempt of court once the material you have produced is published or broadcasted. The ACTIVE period of a criminal or civil case determines what can be published by a journalist.
However, the Contempt of Court Act 1981 is more lenient on civil cases because juries are rarely used, so journalist have much greater leeway about civil cases than criminal ones. If contempt of court is committed, then the suspect may go free from a crime they may have committed because they would not have had a free and fair trial. The person who then published the piece, could face jail themselves.
Whilst also in the courtroom, journalists must remember that if the jury is not present in the courtroom and there are legal discussions, they should not report until verdicts are reached.
Journalists may report information before the trial in the following seven points:-
Names, addresses, ages and occupations of the defendants
The name of the court and the names of magistrates
Names of lawyers or the barristers who are present in the room
The charges to be faced
Any arrangements of bail conditions
Date and location of where the case is adjourned
And whether there was an operation of any legal aid
The 2003 Courts Act introduced law meaning that huge costs could be liable to anybody, including journalists and media bodies, IF they are held to have committed serious misconduct.
Absolute privilege is a defence for libel when court reporting, but this will be explained in my future blog on Qualified privilege and Libel.
This blog will give an overview of the court system in England and the rest of the UK, and about the courts themselves.
There are six types of courts that are used in the UK, and it is important to remember the difference between civil and criminal and whether certain courts deal with criminal or civil trials. The image below perfectly illustrates the courts in the UK, and how they are separated between civil and criminal.
The Criminal courts are the Magistrates courts, Crown court, Court of Appeal and the House of Lords, also known as the Supreme Court. It is valuable to remember that court of appeal is part of the criminal division through appeals that come from the Crown court. Criminal cases deal with cases of murder, theft, fraud etc where the cases must be heard in front of the state.Magistrates courts usually are the court used for summary offences, youth courts and even family proceeding courts. The Crown court, which is higher than the Magistrates courts in the hierarchy deals with cases which require sentences as well as appeals
from the magistrates and trials for arrestable offences.
The Civil Division includes tribunals which hears appeals from decisions on immigration, tax, pensions and divorces. It is solely a court based on solving problems and disputes between groups of people, so employment or land ownership will be great examples.
There are the County courts which serves to deal with the most of civil lawsuit subject to the claim's nature.
The next court up in the civil division is the High court where the current Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales is Lord Judge. Appeals from the High courts usually jump to the Court of appeals, and then onto the Supreme Court. The High court has three divisions of its own, split into the: Queen's Bench Division; Family Division and the Chancery Division which deal with contract laws, land and business law, and family matters and divorce respectively plus many others.
The courts in England and Wales are different than Scotland, and this is because Scotland has different laws. Scotland is allowed to vote on its laws whereas England and Wales have no say which can make it very one sided.
The Supreme Court is the only court which covers all countries in the United Kingdom, from England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
This is the link to the last ever front page of the East Kent Gazette.
The end of an era in Kent this past week, as long-serving newspaper the East Kent Gazette printed its last ever edition of the paper which has been serving the Swale and Thanet area for 156 years. It's a sad time for the people of Kent, as a regular and popular news service for the region closes, and brings an abrupt end to a once loved newspaper. Being from Sittingbourne in Kent, I have grown fond of the newspaper and have previously enjoyed work experience at the long-serving service. Infact, I was due to take part in a week's placement there in January. But no more for the East Kent Gazette.
The newspaper's last edition was published on Wednesday 7th December 2011 with the headline: "GOODBYE Wednesdays won't be the same" with 10 of the front pages illustrated including its first ever one from 1855. The truth is in the writing. The EKG has not only provided a source valuable local news, it has become atreasure to the community of Sittingbourne and the surrounding areas. Unfortunately, the end of the East Kent Gazette has meant the end for the Sheppey Gazette and the Medway News too. The loss has resulted in 40 jobs being cut across the board of three newspapers.
Northcliffe Media, owners of the East Kent Gazette and Kent Regional News and Media Group had been in discussions with EKG rivals the KM group over the proposed sale of seven titles, including East Kent Gazette, Sheppey Gazette and Medway News, but the deal collapsed after it was referred to the Competition Commission, and since then both the EKG and the KM group have announced redundancies. The opportunity to discuss possible community ownership after a campaign to save the Gazette was launched, and Northcliffe said it was willing to discuss the plans if a group comes up with hard evidence of funding.
The East Kent Gazette had an average weekly circulation of 13,975 in the first six months of 2011, of which 7804 were paid for.
The KM Group has announced the beginning of a new newspaper to represent Sittingbourne called "The Sittingbourne News Extra" in which editor Matt Ramsden said: "we cannot hope to replace 156 years of history". In addition, the group is considering moving into local TV after calls for more local air-time around Tonbridge and Maidstone was announced by the Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt, after he announced that 65 towns and cities could host local TV by 2014.
A new breed is being born in Sittingbourne, and a new breed is being born in Kent. The era of the East Kent Gazette is over. The history of the newspaper must remain in the shadows. The future of Kent newspapers remains in the hands of the KM group and The Sittingbourne News Extra.
Today (Sunday 27 November 2011) is a sad day for the footballing world. The day we lost a footballing great. A genuine, lovely man who should be remembered for his achievements in life, and in football.
Gary Speed, manager of the Wales national team, has died at the age of 42. He was found at his home in Huntingdon, Chester by Cheshire Police at 0708 GMT. Above, is his last televised appearance on Football Focus alongside the BBC's Dan Walker and former footballer Gary McAllister, just hours before his death.
But, in this blog, I do not want to write about how Gary Speed was last remembered for. This blog is a look into what the man was, who he was, and how gracious a human being he was. I strongly believe that it is important to remember the value of Gary Speed, and what a remarkable human being he was.
In 1988, Speed made his debut for Leeds United, aged 19, and in a career lasting 8 years at Elland Road,he made 312 appearances as well as winning the First Division in 1992. His career then see him move to Everton in 1996, and in 1998 he joined Newcastle United where he became a fan's favourite, and reaching two different FA Cup finals with the Magpies. Six years later he joined Bolton for £750k and became the first ever player to reach 500 Premier League appearances in 2006. A year later, he was given a player-coaching role at Bolton where he also became the first player to score in every Premier League season since its inception. He became manager of Sheffield United after retiring as a player at Brammall Lane, but was still named as a substitute for a League Cup game against Hartlepool a year after retiring as a player (when he was 41).
Speed was appointed manager of Wales in December 2010, succeeding John Toshack. Despite a difficult start as Wales boss, he achieved five victories in his first ten matches as manager of Wales, with his last win coming in November 2011 against Norway, in a 4-1 win. Speed was in charge of Wales for less than a year, but his revolution as boss was shown within his players. Huge support from former international Ryan Giggs, Robbie Savage and Mark Hughes gave Speed the motivation to achieve something great at Wales, and in his short space of time, he did. He installed a confidence, and a passion, something which has been absent in the Welsh national team for a long time. He handed the captain's armband to young Aaron Ramsey, a player exactly in the mould of Speed when he was a player. He gave back confidence to Welsh servant Craig Bellamy and realised the importance of players like James Collins and Gareth Bale, as well as introducing younger players to his squad. Gary Speed, muchlike his managerial skills, was a wonderful, bright and focused human being.
Tributes for Gary Speed have been flooding social networking websites since the news became public. Arsenal midfielder and Wales captain Ramsey tweeted: "I was given the tragic news this morning. To say I am devastated is an understatement"
Dan Walker, presenter of Football Focus when Speed made his appearance on November 26 2011, put on Twitter: "Staggered by the news of Gary Speed's death. Was with him for much of yesterday (Saturday). I genuinely cannot believe it. Thoughts with his family."
Many more tributes have been pouring in to remember Gary Speed.
My greatest memory of Gary Speed were his bullet headers from corners, or his sweet left foot. So many goals and perfect passes were made from his left boot, and I admired how important he was for clubs like Newcastle and Bolton. He was a fighter in the midfield, he battled for the ball all the time and was an inspirational leader both on and off the field of play. I said it is vital we remember Gary Speed as an instrumental footballer and an apolcalyptic man. He will always be one of the footballing greats.
It's been a first for me today. The first time I've ever written a blog post with a tear in my eye. But, despite my young age, I grew up hearing about Gary Speed, and seeing this midfielder win games for his teams. He was my era, and any loss to the sport I love is a tragic one. The game has lost too many young names in such a short space of time. Phil O'Donnell, Antonio Puerta, Daniel Jarque to name a few.
As I watched the news come in today, my first reaction was one of shock. A reaction that I would have never expected to encounter today. We had lost a terrific person. It took me longer and longer to come to terms with this horrific news. It's rare that I show any physical emotion through tears, but whilst watching this footage of the one-minute silence before the Swansea vs Aston Villa game today, I could not help but feel that Gary Speed has been an incredible character in many people's lives. All you hear at first is one supporter clapping, which slowly turns into a stadium filled with supporters clapping. The mutual respect for Speed was outstanding, and proven by this applause. He was a man who deserved applause. He was a man who deserved our respect. He was a man who deserves our appreciation for his outstanding 22-year playing career in football, and for just who he was. Thank you Gary Speed. Thank you, and may you rest peacefully.
Despite all his current problems, from an ageing team, to a defence leaking more goals than my tap does water, all this talk of sacking 34-year-old Chelsea manager Andre Villas-Boas would seem to be rather justified. But, sacking another manager five months into his tenure at the club would solve what? The same problem Abramovich has tried to resolve since his arrival in 2003? It solves nothing, and as easy as it is to just get rid of AVB and bring in the next fool to take over this illustrious job, the club is already making some solid movements to becoming the force to be reckoned with.
Questions can be raised over AVB's tactical awareness in recent matches, after a run of horrendous form has seen defeats against QPR, Arsenal, Liverpool and Bayer Leverkusen. However, we must not exempt the players from their responsbilities in representing their club on the field. For all his "inexperience" at a level like this, AVB created something historic at FC Porto last season, winning the Portuguese league, and also becoming the youngest manager to obtain the Europa League. To question his ability as a manager is bizarre. To question his structural balance within his current crop of players is relevant though.
His ability to reinstall and create a new sense of attacking flair at Chelsea Football Club has been ever prominent this season, but in building this new attack-minded approach, the former mentor of Jose Mourinho has completely forgotten the basis on which Chelsea have been known for years - a defence. AVB needs to find a solution, and quickly, and he needs to even more quickly create a balance between his side's attacking flair and a defensive structure.
Petr Cech's time is nearly up. His error for the winner from Leverkusen and numerous mistakes over the past few years make him vulnerable, and sadly the once great keeper has looked a miniature compared to when he first joined from Rennes. Maybe Stephen Hunt may have something to do with that. Thibaut Courtois is quickly breathing down his neck, and despite a two-year loan to Athletico Madrid, Chelsea could well see themselves calling him back sooner than they'd like to replace to uncomfortable looking Czech international.
Branislav Ivanovic is the only defender who seems capable of not making a mistake this season so far. Jose Bosingwa has been in terrific form since AVB's arrival, but his sending off at QPR cast doubts over his ability at right-back. David Luiz has been heavily criticised this season for being too attack-minded, leaving Chelsea short at the back on countless occassions, and leaving partner and captain John Terry to pick up the pieces. But even Terry's future at the club hangs in the balance. It's fair to say Terry's ability as a solid defender and world class leader is unquestionable, but his frailties lie within the media and his constant reputation for off-the-field antics. Where is the defender who puts his heart and soul into everything? Where is Chelsea's captain? For the last three years his actions of the field, and reputation in the press has made Terry a vulnerable target, and for Chelsea supporters, this is a target they cannot afford to drag along on the pitch anymore. Terry's tenure at the club has to be over. His numerous simple mistakes, his lack of pace, his off-field distractions and his lack of interest in what he does best seem to be overshadowing the career of the once great central defender. Ashley Cole is somebody who's future at the club needs to be analysed. His mistake to leave Glen Johnson free at Stamford Bridge is a classic example of what only the minority have been shouting for years. Ashley Cole is not the best left back in the world. Simple. Cole spends too much time arguing with the officials he forgets why he is on the pitch. From a personal view, I feel for Alex. His lack of passion in the dying minutes against Leverkusen meant he was easily beaten to a ball he should have cleared, and the German side managed to finish the game with all three points. But who can blame him? AVB's lack of faith in him make him a huge problem within the ranks.
The midfield is building and improving with time, but it still lacks that dogged creator. Chelsea greatly miss Michael Essien. He battles, he fights, he commits. Chelsea miss that. John Obi Mikel is too simple, and for somebody dubbed as 'the next Makelele', his opportunity to prove that tag is true was long gone. Raul Meireles needs more playing time. Frank Lampard, despite his ageing legs will always be a key player for the club. He's a game changer, a creator, and one of the best passers of a football in the world. Ramires had an impressive start but is going through his yearly spot of form where he is neither good nor bad. Florent Malouda also seems to be a major problem in the midfield. Just a shadow of the man we saw under Guus Hiddink and Carlo Ancelotti, Malouda has once again become the man we first saw at Chelsea. Confused, looking out of his depth, and sluggish. A trip back to France may soon be calling for the former Lyon winger. Calls for Oriol Romeu and Josh McEachran to receive starting calls grow ever stronger, and the opportunity to blood some energetic youth into this lacklustre midfield trio may need to be taken now.
Didier Drogba still has something to offer to Chelsea. His brute force, goalscoring prowess and vision make him a vital player in the short-term planning at Chelsea. Nicolas Anelka also has something to offer, but it is suggested his departure from Stamford Bridge is sooner than some fans may expect with a move away in January looking likely.
The future of Salomon Kalou still remains unclear, although his effort, speed and persistency never ceases to amaze me. For a player who is consistently resorted to taking a seat in the stands or on the bench, he remains to be an annoying player for opposition wing-backs to defend against. Still at a relatively young age, maybe these young shoulders can create some old life in the Chelsea attack, but AVB's inability to find a starting slot for him may find see his chances at the Bridge become more and more limited.
The future revolves around four more players, and despite the criticism. Fernando Torres will shine. The quetsion is when? There is something within the Spaniard which is still to power through this dark time in his career. His still lacks that cutting edge effect, but some performances this season still show the quality the striker possesses. Is his number up already though? For a £50million signing, he is racking up some huge doubters, and his recent drop to the bench make him suspectical to even more disharmony, but AVB must pursue with Torres. His natural instinct make him a worthwhile signing, albeit not for his price tag, but a worthwhile one nonetheless. Juan Mata (pictured above) is the fire in Chelsea's belly this season. An important signing for the Blues, and a player they have been craving ever since the instrumental Gianfranco Zola left the club back in 2003. His pace,vision and creativity are a delight, and with him and young Daniel Sturridge on the wings, both players have proven to be Chelsea's biggest threats this season. It is key AVB realises these players are the future of the football club, and he needs to realise that the core of his team will no longer be the old guard, but for the young terriers. This leaves one name who has been cast into the shadows this season - Romelu Lukaku. The Belgian striker has not had the chance to prove his worth. AVB is being careful with Lukaku. He does not want to create a seed of doubt amongst critics and supporters about the youngster's career. But, Lukaku must be given the experience now if he is to succeed Didier Drogba. If Drogba goes, and Lukaku fills the spot, then Chelsea are stuck. They will have a striker, younger than 20, with so little Premier League game time that his career will mirror the one set by Andriy Shevchenko during his time in London. AVB is being careful, but he's being too careful. Lukaku's brute strength, pace and flexibility make him Drogba's perfect successor, but AVB must find that space for him to contribute if Chelsea are to begin their change of tide.
AVB is the man, but his need to introduce his squad players is ever stronger than before. He has players waiting, chomping at the bit to prove their point. He needs fire. He needs passion. He needs something new. The old breed is dying, and AVB has to understand that his club needs to centralise its new future around five key players. Branislav Ivanovic, Raul Meireles, Juan Mata, Daniel Sturridge, and Fernando Torres.
Well this week, everybody worked so hard to get so much content available for the programme, and by having EIGHT different packages and 20 minutes of content into one programme is an outstanding effort and is a real tributeto the hard-work we are putting in, and hopefully this will not go unrecognised.
We had a couple of late illnesses and unavailabilities over the weekend, but we had people willing to contribute and create content to this ever growing show, with people from Leeds, and both members of the newsteam and from MA.
The programme is becoming popular amongst Eastleigh, Basingstoke, Winchester and Totton fans especially and it is so vital that we continue to emphasise our commitment to producing sports content for WINOL, and building relationships at these clubs to give us the access we need in able to produce such stunning packages.
We have started receiving packages from games in the Blue Square North which I believe is absolutely vital. Even though it is not specifically related to this local area, it is important we continue to build our audiences and views, and build relationships with other univerisities, football clubs and types of viewers if we want to become bigger. This is a must for the future and contact must be maintained.
Individual Packages
Dael - Potted history is very well structured, and very well researched. Obviously the sound on the radio mic is very distorted which we know and we tried three different radio mics and still the sound remained the same. This is a shame because it essentially ruins a very good package. The highlights are once again of a very high standard, but there is also room for improvement. The good thing about this game was that it was a very eventful tie. We were both in attendance and it was a terrific match so we had a lot to work with. Well done for getting into the changing room for the pre-match team talk. Fantastic piece of footage which really brought the piece some extra diversity and interest.
Sam - This is filmed by Mikey. It's a shame it wasn't the most exciting match, but Mikey did well to get there. Sam, you did fantastically well this week. Not only did you have two packages but you also filmed for two hours on Wednesday afternoon. You worked hard this week so a big thank you, and a well done. You deserved the two packages.
Connolly - I know you have been dying for weeks to do a football package. Finally you got one! It's very well shot, and I have no quarms with your camera skills as you just seem to be getting better and better, and I think filming the ice hockeys has worked wonders for you. The scripting of your piece could be a little better. Remember when you first name players mention their first names too. You said "Bubb" and "Little" but the audience may not know their first names. Just put that in, then for the rest of the piece just use the surnames. Nice shot of Frank Gray with Manager of the Month award.
Aarran - Filmed by Karen. The game was a difficult one to film from that angle, but I know you have made the most of it, and credit to you for going all the way to Kent to film a football match. The commentary is good. I cannot knock you on your commentary really - technically it's a little loud so maybe we could have turned it down a bit more. The voiceover is structured well and it tells a story. Only criticism is, but you will learn this, is try not to give away the goal before it happens. Keep the viewers interested and make them want to watch what happens with some intriging comms or voiceovers. But, I know you worked really hard on this and took a real big interest on making this your VT so well done, and for a first real attempt at making a sportsweek package it is good. Final point....cutaways. The celebrations should really act as a GV (general view) for the goal. Carry the sound from the goal and put celebrations images over the top of the original sound. Makes for a really tight andprofessional edit.
Sam (Athletics) - I've spoken to you about this. Just get down to the same height at the interviewee. It was hard to film as there wasn't much action, but it's something different. Possibly would have been better as an OOV but I felt you had enough comment to make as a short sports news package.
Henry - Rugby is good again. As I've said before, you are making it interesting. Just be sure on the kick off time. Couple of times you have turned up late to the game. But it is very good, and it was edited quickly this week. So very well done again.
Louis - I know you felt a bit nervous on doing this but thank you so much for filling in for Michael when he felt ill on Sunday afternoon. You did all of us a huge favour! For a first package it's a good effort - ice hockey is so hard to film. But you did well. Also, Angus is so right about your voice. It's energetic, exciting and I enjoy listening to your packages as they add an extra excitement which is absolutely ideal for sport! Same point as Aarran regarding cutaways - cut to the celebration visually and carry the sound from the goal and use as a GV instead. Otherwise, for a first try on sport - this is a great effort, and you worked hard and listened to the advice I gave and were always looking for feedback throughout the week.
Edward - For a first go - this has received some very positive reviews in the newsroom. I've e-mailed you most of your feedback. The interview I have obviously changed, I have just dragged it out a bit more and shortened the length. But you have given us a lot of content with the original video to work with. Love your voiceover. The scripting is very good, and I look forward to seeing more of your content in the future.
Jake - Cannot knock your presenting really. Comfortable, confident. It's too easy for you now, and without making you egotistical, you are the best presenter currently on WINOL. Well done.
Domonique - I haven't done this enough but I would like to say a huge thank you to Domonique and the rest of the production team for all their hard work in making Sportsweek happen. I know you guys have busy schedules, particularly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays so I just want to thank you for preparing the studio and sorting out graphics and writing out all the straplines for Sportsweek. It's a fantastic help, and your support in producing Sportsweek is truly appreciated.
William - You will present the last Sportsweek. I did say this to you a few weeks ago. Well here is the proof!
Well done team! A very successful week again this week! Let's keep working hard until Christmas! No WINOL this week, but please be prepared and organised for the strikes. Thank you once again for all your hard work and team morale!
Check out this week's WINOL. I had the pleasure of presenting the news, something I have requested for a while. I'm confident now in my ability to present, and have been for sometime. I have been voice coaching myself over the last year to stop my "typically cockney" accent and become more approachable to an audience.
I feel the in-studio chat with Rebecca was necessary, but the VERY VERY VERY late decision by William means we were under-prepared. My criticism of this was that we had known all week about this story, yet only decided to act on it, an hour before going live. We need to be more decisive in what is to be put in the running order, and waiting on putting something in. If we wanted that studio chat, then we put it in. I understand a breaking news story, but this was known and we acted upon it, but far too late.
Julie filled in fantastically for Cara (who went home ill late in the day) on Sports. She handled the pressure well and our off-screen chemistry allowed us both to feel comfortable working together on-screen. Any doubts over the pronounciations, then Julie would ask me in terms of sport and we worked well and without hardly any rehearsal time I believe we both performed confidently.
I have no criticisms over any of the VT's this week except one. The Estonia piece was appalling. There was the same shot THREE times and for two people to be out there and record some mediocre, sloppy, repetitive shots is lazy and simplistic. The voiceover by Hannah is clear and well scripted, but technically the camera work is of an embarrassing standard.
I was particularly complimentary of George Berridge this week as Director. I have presented twice with George now and feel very comfortable and confident under his lead. He is clear, he is gracious, and he is appreciative of the work his team in the gallery in doing. My only advice to him would be to be more strict in his delivery and be firm in his decisions.
Other than that, it was a stressful week. It was not our best week, but my God, I've seen much worse.
My first point for this week is the length of our Sportsweek show for this week. 18 minutes is outstanding and is just a testament to the amount of quality content we are producing week in, wek out. We have to keep this tempo up in the final weeks and it is important we focus solely on Sportsweek as a whole and work on improving the content of our show.
We have in recent weeks taken note of comments made from first years about the content I put in the sports part of the bulletin. We have taken their reviews into consideration and it seems to be getting some relatively good feedback. We have been more concise in our approach to the bulletin, yet understanding the importance of producing numerous amounts of content as a standby option.
As a criticism, I think we need to be a bit wary and more understanding of Wednesdays. For too many weeks now we have not had enough numbers in on time. I understand the pressures of Wednesdays and willingly take out my time to produce scripts, content for both the bulletin and sportsweek. But, we are not working as a team on Wednesday. We are coming in and thinking our work is done then leaving. We need to be around for every reason possible. I understand guys have sports matches and that is fine as long as I am told ASAP. BUT, this week was much better as we were all in, late on Wednesday working so it is better.
Dael - Moreorless given the Totton package on a plate, but you've done well on it and you have worked hard to perfect it the best way possible. I still think your scripting needs some work, but technically you are there. You know how to film, you how to edit. Your scripting does need work, and we must work on the LINKS and FIRST SENTENCE OF YOUR PACKAGE as for too many weeks they have sounded the same. We have to work together to come up with a balance.
Mikey - WINOL Woodwork. You can do better than this. It was nice to have it but it was so easy to do, and it's like you are settling for the easiest thing possible and doing that. But it is well filmed, and you are top notch are WINOL Woodworks. If you are going to do one, we need AFC Totton. Only criticism is that it is a little long this week. Even I got bored after a while.
Sam - I like the basketball. It's such a hard sport to film, especially at this level, but you've done well and to have it filmed at 12pm on a Wednesday and done by the Wednesday evening is terrific. Love the cutaway of the Southampton manager going beserk. Really good. I still think we need to work on "padding out" your VT with more of a detailed script though.
Henry - Can't fault the rugby really. I used to hate rugby on WINOL but you are making it interesting. The cutaway at the end is brilliant. At the start of your package you tell us the score.....not sure on this. I understand the context you put it in, but you give away the score before any highlights so the audience are like "Oh, so we know the score...why watch it?" Technically good, and as I said, Rugby is now worthy to sports.
Connolly - WOW. Feature is brilliant, it's funny, clever, mixed with interviewsand music. It's very good. I would have liked Dael to get on the ice with you to get closer shots of you on the Ice, but you have both worked hard to make it something good. The highlights are good as well. Ice hockey is becoming one of the most popular sports in WINOL I feel.
NEXT WEEK (23/11/11)
Obviously there is no WINOL because of preparations for the strikes but we do have a Sportsweek.
Mikey - I want AFC Totton WINOL Woodwork no excuses. This is our last shot before the FA Cup. Get it done. They train Tuesdays at the stadium. I have Sean New's number if you need it.
Connolly - Basingstoke Bison. Ring me tomorrow (Sunday) to let me know how you get on.
Sam - Wheelchair racing cheque presentation (Sunday), and Winchester City vs Brading (Tuesday)
Henry - Winchester RFC 2nd XI League Action (Saturday)
Dael - Eastleigh Potted History with Dartford highlights (Saturday) - we worked on this and I feel it could be really good.
Aarran - I know you had an issue with radio going offline but you have gone and filmed at Herne Bay in the FA Vase. If you want to do extended highlights for website then fantastic. But sportsweek a 2minute package (maybe 2min 30seconds) would be ideal.
Jake- Presenting. In early as possible on Tuesday please. I know you're working a lot at the moment but I can't have any delays this week.
Two words. Sachin Tendulkar. Tuesday 8 November 2011 is a day in cricket history. A day Tendulkar made cricket history. The day when he came became the only man in history to ever reach 15,000 Test match runs. An incredible feat, and one that should not be overlooked as another one for the record books because it just so happens this man has been setting goals, targets and achieving the highest heights in cricket since he burst onto the scene in November 1989, aged just 16!
The leading run-scorer and century maker in both Test and ODI cricket, and the only player to score a double hundred in any one-day international match in the history of the game. Tendulkar's rise to the top has been more astronomical than any other sporting event ever.
In a week where the sport was tarnished in the spot-fixing scandal involving Pakistani cricketers Salman Butt, Mohammed Asif and Mohammed Amir, and sports agent Mazhar Majeed, who was consequently rumbled by an exclusive undercover report by the now-deceased "News of the World". This week has seen their court trial come to a head and verdicts given. All players were charged and convicted with a conspiracy to cheat at gambling and to accept corrupt payments. On 3 November 2011, jail terms were handed down of 30 months for Butt, one year for Asif, six months for Amir and two years eight months for Majeed. Despite this plunging the game into more doubt about its ethics, Tendulkar still continues to prove why cricket is one of the most adored sports on this planet with an exceptional display of batting seen since the days of Donald Bradman. His name was in the history books long ago, now is just a personal mission.
At 38 years of age, it's fair to say Tendulkar's longetivity in the sport is a dying age. His career will be THE ONE to remember. His 22-year tenure in the sport is a stubborn one and there is one goal which has slipped "The Little Master's" grasp in recent months. That elusive 100th hundred.
Tendulkar has been stuck on 99 international hundreds since March now, a period stretching for over 8 months. For somebody of his class, the record breaking century cannot be far away. Many expected him to claim his feat in England on India's recent tour, a tour which the Indians would like to forget soon though. But that tour was a disappointing one. But the attention will now turn to Tendulkar and his quest to reach number 100 and become the first person in cricket history to reach it, having already scored 51 Test centuries and 48 ODI centuries in 635 international matches.
Tonight, Tendulkar sits on 33 not out after day three of India's first test against the West Indies in Dehli. Sachin needs 67 unbeaten runs to make even more history than what he has already. His aim is surely a matter of where and when now. His achievements are unquestionable. His talent is undeniable. His reputation as "The God of Cricket" will always remain undefeated.
I'll keep this one short and sweet for this week guys. Don't want to bore you with my words. But do please take in note the feedback here and just have a think about some of the things I say.
Sam - Very well filmed, especially at a ground like Alresford. Very tricky. The voiceover was much better as well. And you adjusted well and created different camera angles by yourself.
Mikey - SOUND IS TOO HIGH. And please learn how to export a video by yourself. Otherwise, well done, the filming isn't particularly great - looks very dark to me, so just be sure that when filming the footage isn't too bright or toodark - give yourself something good to work with. I don't think we used the second camera angle well enough during this game. We have like 3 seconds of the second camera, we need more.
Jake - We worked hard on this Tuesday night and personally it has come out really well. Few technical things, the sound of you when you are on screen is a little loud but we had no battery for the radio mics so we had to make do and work with it, it just sounds a shade distorted. Very well filmed from both angles, so considering you haven't done sport in quite a time this was really good, and the new ideas are great. Hopefully we can press on and continue with them. Thank you for offering your help to film this week.
Dael - Very good again really. Maybe let's have more highlights - it just seems to be goals, goals and goals at the minute. Let's have some more chances, but another great shot of Baird and interview. Great shot of the sub coming on. The commentary of Mikey was good underneath. I think it's something we all need to work on.
Henry - I liked the piece on Rugby. Loved the effort you put in and how organised you were. Very well done, you gave us something different and that's what we need in Sport. Variations, creativity. A mixture of the lot. Wind noise was a problem with interviews - just be sure to hold the mic a bit tighter to you and to the interviewee. Maybe needed the shot of that man digging but for obvious reasons that couldn't happen. Well done though.
Connolly - I've never in my life known an Ice Hockey game to end 1-0. But, now I have. Well filmed again, your footage has been looking a little more yellow than normal the last week or two so just keep an eye on that for next time.
Julie - Well presented. It was difficult for you with all those names but well done and good effort.
Next Week
Dael has Basingstoke in the FA Cup. William has kindly volunteered this weekend and has the AFC Totton game, also in the FA Cup. BOTH TEAMS GOT THROUGH AND THEY WILL FACE BRENTFORD AWAY, AND BRADFORD PARK AVENUE, RESPECTIVELY IN THE FIRST ROUND PROPER SO WE MUST MAKE A BIG DEAL ABOUT THAT. Mikey has Eastleigh WINOL Woodwork which should be good. Henry has Winchester Rugby. Sam was at Winchester with MA student Aarran who has done a commentary for us whilst Sound Radio is offline. Connolly was at the Ice Hockey. I will present this week.
Thanks you for all your hard work, and well done. We are nearing 500 views, just on youtube for this weeke's sportsweek so brilliant, and we WILL have another brand new opening sequence with a few small changes the new one from last week.
This week on Sport we have received some fantastic feedback from Angus, Brian, Chris and our guest editor for the bulletin Rachael Canter. So ye again, I can only thank you and congratulate you on all the hard work we have put in this week, but we must remember the hard work cannot stop now - we must continue this and work to improve every week.
Dael - I am have been very impressed with how quickly you have settled in and adapted to this role at Eastleigh. The fact you travelled away to Eastbourne to film a game out of your own time is fantastic, and to be there on your own is even better. Some technical notes for next week. Be sure to check your camera to see if the settings are done right before you even travel to the game. The last thing you want is to get there in a rush and realise the camera is all over the place. The widescreen image makes your package look messy, but the footage you have actually filmed is very well shot, and you have taken notice of the cuts to the celebrations and carrying the sound. Also, I don't know if you noticed but there is a black spot in your package just before the third Eastbourne goal. Just make sure you look through and cut out any unnecessary mistakes. Just makes it look a little untidy. The interview with Ian Baird as well is very well framed too! Your voiceover is clearly read, and the script is much better. More stats and facts and it was interesting to listen to and to more importantly watch. Well done.
Mikey - Presenting wise, I think that's the best sportsweek presentation I have seen in a while. Confident, clear and energetic on screen. Well done, and your package is very well shot, and very well scripted yet again. Same as Dael though, be sure to check the camera settings are adjusted correctly before getting to the game.
Aimee - Classic performance with the tables. Good work, and I will try to include more into the programme as we go on this term.
Henry - MUCH BETTER VOICEOVER. Clear, more animation and well scripted. You sounded a lot more interested this week mate, and what I like about you is that you come in, do your work to a good standard and offer your services elsewhere in sport or WINOL entirely. That's really good work mate and I hope you are enjoying your role. I would like to just see you get even more animated with your voiceover, make it sound like it was a brilliant game and keep the audience intrigued. Filming was spot on again.
Sam - A hard week for you mate but you have worked really hard and you have produced a package which probably suited you. I said to you to be creative and experiment with final cut pro and that is exactly what you did, and even thoughit wasn't as newsworthy as we waned it to be, you made the most of it and you put a lot of effort in. I have spoken to you already about your package but just as a reference on here, remember with interviews, get to their eyeline, bring the tripod down, get them to stand up, do whatever you can to make your VT look brilliant. I loved the changes in speed as wel with some of your shots, especially the one with the moving grass. It would been nice to get some really good shots of athletes but obviously no-one was there so you had to adjust. Well listened when I said to get some shots on the ground and some zooms. It made the package look so much better than just a plain old empty stand from a distance. Good work and looking forward to Boxing this week coming!
Connolly - Very very good AGAIN. You did so well to cut all of them goals in the Ice Hockey into a one minute 30 seconds VT, and I'm glad the replay looked good. It added something dfferent to the piece and we were lucky we got an incident like that occur. As said in the debrief, the first two goals look IDENTICAL so just try and get a cutaway shot in there to create a gap in there because it just looks like the same goal. I will get you doing some football soon, but I think you are so settled in this role at Bison at the moment that I think it's important we keep the highlights consistent for the first few weeks until we can mix it up.
1) Michael Connolly will present Sportsweek. If anybody wants a go at presenting the bulletin let me know.
2) Basingstoke Bison player/coach Steve Moria is 90% coming in on Tuesday for an in-studio analysis/chat for Sportsweek. I am going to confirm on Monday, so if he does, talk to him and make him feel welcome.
3) Dael, Mikey and Henry will go to Eastleigh to film. Mikey you have an idea of what I expect, but I want a camera behind the goal Eastleigh are attacking (just to the side of the post), and I would like another cameraman running up and down the line with the play - so close images of throw ins. Dael, this will be your package and you will need to organise meeting Mikey and Henry so you can all go together. Also, could you phone Eastleigh and let them know that three of you will be there.
4) Sam and I will be going to Basingstoke to do a 2 camera shot. This will be my package again Sam because I want you to focus on your Boxing piece on Monday night.
5)Connolly can you do Bison again please? If Steve is in on Tuesday we will need Bison highlights to refer to so I will need Bison again this weekend, and I will do my upmost to get somebody along to help you film and be imaginative over the next couple of weeks.
6)Henry, I'd like you to work on a dodgeball feature please. We need new sports, and we need university sports. So this is your main project this weekend and this week coming. Let me know if you get anywhere with that.
7) Sam, well done arranging that Boxing piece. Looking forward to that, remember what I told you - lots of shots, close ups and general views, interview with lots of people. Make it what you want to make it. Experiment and have some fun with it.
8) Mikey, can you try and get me an Olympics story this week please? I know you worked hard last week but we really need something strong. And also, can you get in touch with Totton and get a WINOL Woodwork sorted. I can come with you and help you film if need be.
8)Tonight (Friday) there is a chance I will be interviewing former Zimbabwe international cricketer Henry Olonga in Alresford so let's hope that pulls through!
9)IMPORTANT - My phone has currently been blocked so I cannot message or make calls to anybody, so if you need me you will have to ring me and ring me until I pick up, or instead find someone else to get hold of and let me know. I am currently trying to resolve the problem with Orange. So, as I cannot ring I need EVERYONE to make sure they have a camera booked out for this weekend please, and if you don't have one booked them let me know asap! I already have 2 HD kits booked out but do not want to book one out for everybody if I can. Also, use old tapes if you have to for the 2nd and 3rd camera angles and only film when action is near you to get the best available shots. New tapes for stand camera please.
10)We are not hitting our target audience quick enough. I must stress the importance of our audience and our views. Having the views and having the audience is what gets us the top marks. I do not think we're doing enough promoting. The only one or two who has sat putting the link on forums, blogs, twitter accounts, facebook pages are myself and Dael. Sam put it on his facebook but you have to remember not everyone will look at that. We need it literally EVERYWHERE. Mikey and Connolly you need to plug and promote. You guys know how important they are and I haven't seen any of it from you guys so please please take 10-15 minutes out of your time. Same with you Henry - get the highlights on the Rugby website please!
11) Match reports into Aimee ASAP! The individual video highlights will be on "winolsports" today.
Well done this week lads. A very good and successful week! eep it going, work together, work hard, and work quickly.
General points • This week was our first Sportsweek for this year, and I consider it a successful one in terms of productivity and content, but in terms of views we are way behind what we should be targeting. We need to attract a larger scale audience, and I think it’s important to emphasise how important the viewers are for us. If we do not get people watching our programme then all the work we put in goes to waste. • I can only thank and congratulate people on the hard work and effort they have put in this week, and it was good to see all of you working hard and putting in 100%. The second years especially (Dael, Henry and Sam) I am very impressed with the work and commitment you are putting in. Hopefully, these first two weeks on WINOL have given you an idea of how intense it can be, and trust it will get harder because I will be pushing everybody to produce more content, better quality and to be quicker in terms of editing. • We need to sharpen up on our camera skills. Visually it was good to watch. Mikey obviously we had your mistake in terms of the settings at the Totton game. You should know better than this and we should not really be having errors like that from somebody who has been on sport for 3 terms, but as a positive, your scripting was fantastic as per usual and you worked hard to get to Totton and edit it down quickly so well done. Sam, we had an issue with the colour of your package. I put the ND filter on but I still stick that it was the best plan because it was so bright at Winchester and we did not want to risk any overexposure.
Individual Feedback • Dael – In terms of presenting Dael, I think you did very well. You seem clear, focused and exciting to watch which is good. Hopefully the experience of presenting Sportsweek will give you some much needed training for when you come to present the actual bulletin. In terms of your package, visually it was good. We had some good shots and a lot of action in a short space of time. As a critical comment, I think we need some work on your scripting of your piece because at the moment it is (This person scored a goal, then 10 minutes later this person scored again) – it’s a little repetitive and we need to just brighten up the package and make it more exciting. Also, try and put in more cutaways of celebrations. As soon as the goal is scored, cut to the close up celebration and carry the sound long. Angus loves that, and it just looks and sounds so much better. But other than that, well done and keep working hard. • Mikey – As I said, no comments about scripting as it was very ood and I especially like the introduction to the piece. In terms of filming, just another error again which is becoming a common trend with you my friend. Just make sure everything is set up a good half hour or so before a game so that when it comes to kick-off there are no obvious amendments that need to be made putting you in a rush. You will present Sportsweek this week and hopefully we get an Olympics story from you soon! • Sam – You looked like you enjoyed it and for a first time out filming you did well. It was very tricky with the sunlight as it was so bright, and in terms of filming the goals and keeping the camera steady on that rickety stand you kept your composure. Think we need some help on your scripting too. There are too many gaps in your package. Remember to introduce an interview by putting in some clever commentary, I don’t want to hear “Guy Butters said” so maybe go for something like “Manager Guy Butters was pleased with his side’s display” or something like that. Try and fill out the package as well, at times it was too quiet and felt a little boring so just fill out the voiceover with bits of information about the game. Maybe some stats. We love stats. E.g. “Jamie White completed his hattrick on 75 minutes......the former Southampton striker scoring his first goals for the club after a quiet start to his Winchester career” something different. As for your presenting n the bulletin, I still actually haven’t seen it but I have spoken to Will and he said you were very very good so well done in that department and I hope you enjoyed the experience. • Henry – Rugby is hard to film and can get quite boring because usually at games like this there isn’t a massive crowd, but the filming is very good. I think we spoke about your voiceover, it is a little too slow, and it sounds like you are really bored, but I think that’s you being over cautious more than anything else, so try and get a bit excited about it! Very good though, and I was impressed with how switched on you were this week and how determined you were to get the work done. • Connolly – I cannot really criticise this week. Best package of the week by far. It was an exciting game that had everything, and you may sure you had some close up shots, of skates, helmets, pucks etc so really good. Your voiceover was very good as well (with a little help from Angus) – you got excited about it and that’s what we need. We need vibrancy so that’s good. P.S. NEVER SAY “DOOKED IT OUT” EVER EVER AGAIN.
Next Week • Even though we were organised and committed last week, I want the same this week. So as soon as the debrief finished start editing and get your work done as quickly as you can to a very good standard. • We need sports news stories. I need everybody to come in with ideas. Can be absolutely anything, come in with something and then we can go on with that. I found it insulting that only a few people “enjoy watching sport” during the bulletin, because let’s face it, they wouldn’t know how to work at the intensity we do. Let’s just remember that on average Sportsweek finds 800-1000 viewers each week so let’s make a point to everybody and keep that record going and more importantly, improve it. I don’t want us to prove anything to anybody else in WINOL, we just do what we have to do. I’m not making this a war, but I think some appreciation is required by the WINOL team as a whole for the work we put in because we work on weekends whereas they literally come in on Mondays and get given a story or find it there and then. So let’s come in with some news stories, with some different new sports, some feature ideas. Let’s work hard to receive the reward we deserve. • We’re not promoting Sportsweek enough. Facebook, Twitter and emails is not enough. We need to get our show on clubs’ websites; we need to get their fans watching it. We need to get away supporters watching and supporting it. I will be writing our total views on the board and I will set us targets. If we do not reach that target, I consider it a fail. • Work on voiceovers. It is vital we get our scripting sorted soon. Anybody who needs some help or advice go to Mikey as he is very good. Any technical issues come to me. • I need links written to me early on Tuesday. Try not to write a link which is similar to your first line so for example NONE OF THIS, “Dael Gornall was at Eastbourne to see if Eastleigh could kickstart their season.” ------ROLLVT ----- “Eastleigh were looking to kickstart their season at Eastbourne this weekend” – it sound smessy, so links into me for Sportsweek as soon as on Tuesday so if we need to mix them up and change them we will. • Mikey Smith will present Sportsweek this week, and Aimee Pickering will do the Tables. • If anybody wants a shot at presenting the bulletin let me know. I haven’t got anybody in particular in mind at the moment so let me know. If not I may give it to Jake and have an OB from outside, well that isn’t up to me but I’ll pitch the idea to William • Mikey is now doing the Winchester package because Sam is away, so Sam I need a news or features piece from you please! A womens team? A university side? Have a think and pitch it to me Monday.
Thanks you for everybody’s hard work. Please do not feel like I’m having a go, just take this as constructive criticism for everybody to learn from. Keep the hard work going, be committed, work together, be a team.
With his new album "Playing in the Shadows" topping the UK album chart, it must be reckoned that Example is on top of the world at the moment.
His rise and rise again from a mediocre rapper to the peak of the electro house genre emphasises not just the change in the 29-year-old's talents, but the pure shift of modern popular British music.
The days of pop and indie are slowly dying, and a new age is being born and bred, the age of electro and trance and house. The first two singles from the new album, released on 4 September 2011, have already reached the highest heights. "Changed The Way You Kissed Me" and "Stay Awake" both debuted at number one in the UK Singles Chart, and, with another single on the way, "Natural Disaster" produced by Dutch house DJ Laidback Luke, another chart topper is surely in the sights of Fulham-born Example.
"Natural Disaster" has already entered the UK Indie Chart at number 27 (a month before its official UK release!), so big things are expected from the next musical number from the shadows.
Without rambling on too much about every single track on his new album, I'll let you make your own judgements on Elliot Gleave's 12-song production. However, one I personally recommend is not straight out of the expected house and trance repetoire. Gleave admits that song seven, "Microphone" to be the only song he has co-written with somebody else on this new record. Guy Chambers, long-term partner of Take That member Robbie Williams, is revealed as the co-writer for the tune.
Have a listen. Whether the album tickles the fancy of many (which it will) or it infact turns out to be a mediocre product of the time, it will make you stay awake. British talent is changing. British talent is growing. For the best. An era has just finished. A new beginning is now in full flow.
John Kenneth Galbraith’s book – ‘The New Industrial State’ was written in 1967 and the general themes of the book surround the issue of product, capitalist societies and of businesses and corporations.
Galbraith writes about how the use of risks within traditional small businesses become less relevant compared to the rise and continuous growth of large corporations in the industrial region. He goes on to state that the advantages the large associations have in securing longer contracts with labourers and suppliers reduce the relevance of risk taken by smaller businesses becomes practically ineffective in their way of gaining supply and demand. He also writes that the influence of politics is another key factor in securing stable situations and conditions which are ideal for the continuous growth and planning in the markets of production.
Despite some sectors of the economy still dominated by small firms, Galbraith argues that long-term planning needed for produce involves advanced technology which includes the theory of risk. One result of this is that competition is no longer a relevant explanation of the industrial sector because the overwhelming power of advertising from larger corporations is more significant and appealing to the produce of the smaller businesses.
He goes on to argue throughout the book that the industrial system is controlled by the structure of the industry rather than the actual share holders of the respective companies. The structure itself is not there to create or increase the profit made but rather to maintain the stability and life of the corporations, and to a further extent to gradually increase its stature over a larger scale, expanding where they see fit.
The main aim of the company’s structure is to keep control over the business and it prefers using profits made to borrowing from banks, so therefore, the money given to share holders is decreased so that the company does not risk losing its own self-funding. Also, the companies of the industrial system use a program of fixing and stabilising prices to make sure that long-term planning is sufficient. A central theory of the book is the revised sequence, which is chapter 19, the chapter I will be looking to talk about in detail. The main idea of the economy is that markets that are in competitions which one another are, at the end of the day, controlled by their customers and the will of their customers. This is referred to as the ‘Accepted Sequence’ whereas the revised sequence is the opposite in contrast, where companies use advertising to gain control over their customers. So in modern terms, just as an example, a big branch like “Sainsbury’s” would have control over its customers through the power of advertising, whereas smaller businesses would have to rely on their customers’ interests and demands to provide a service suitable enough to survive in the industry.
But, the revised sequence is only relevant to the industrial system, and not the market system. So “Sainsbury’s” would not apply to the revised sequence because the revised sequence is not relevant to the market system where competition in prices remains the sole main part of control for them, and it is seen as a means to gain social power amongst their consumers. “The consumer is, so to speak, the king...each is a voter who uses his votes to get things done” - Paul Samuelson, Economics.
To me this quote is from Samuelson is a brief explanation of the “Accepted Sequence” that the customers have control and gain control over the company by requesting what they want to see done. To refer to the consumer as a king is overwhelming, however in the industry, companies and businesses must see their consumers as kings because that is who they want to attract and build their corporation with, attracting them, especially within the smaller firms.
However, it could be argued that Galbraith wants the readers to realise that regardless of who controls the companies, whether it be the structure itself or the consumer, the consumer should always be regarded highly in this type of industry because they are the main sources in the term ‘supply and demand’
“The mature corporation has readily at hand the means for controlling the prices at which it sells as well as those at which it buys. Similarly, it has a means for managing what the consumer buys at the prices which it controls.” – Galbraith goes on further to talk about the planning and that the use of technology is the main reason for the planning process. He also states that the time committed to the planning and technology, as well as the decreased effectiveness of the market for products and skills contributes to the long-term planning of the techno structure of the company.
“It is possible that people need to believe that they are un-managed if they are to be managed effectively. We have been taught to set store by our freedom of economic choice; were it recognised that this is subject to management; we might be at pains to assert our independence. Thus we would become les manageable” In my view, this from Galbraith toward the end of chapter 19, “The Revised Sequence” sums up as a whole both consumers and the industrial system and its competitive nature between both.
Markets within the system compete to attract the most amounts of consumers; however consumers compete to get the best from their chosen or designated market. To me, the companies fight for the economy and use advertising to obtain the most economic profit from their consumers in what we call the Revised Sequence. However, the Accepted sequence is different and responds significantly to the requests and desires of their consumers. Consumers control firms in the accepted sequence, but due to the backlog and power of their economic state, maybe it is the larger companies who have a stronger techno structure to progress and expand.