I had no say in the captaincy, I was given it. A title I had not intended to obtain, but forced upon I had to reluctantly accept. My team consisted of three close friends, along with two 'extras' who contributed whenever they felt they knew an answer. We started off brightly in Sittingbourne Weatherspoons' Christmas Quiz 2009, answering some christmas related questions with relative ease. However, round two offered more difficulty. When I say more difficulty, I mean it was mere impossible. Being asked questions on people in the 1950s is not something that attracts to a group of 18 and 19 year olds, however we attempted, and that's the best way I can put it.
It was an attempt. Rather than a spirited effort. A hit and hope job. Pardon my competitive tone, but I'm not one to stare defeat easily in the face. Don't get me wrong, I can admit defeat, but I don't aim to lose everytime. Depite our inexperience in the age category, we had a varied set of heads in my ranks, lifelong friends Matt 'Jewi' Jewiss who currently attends Chichester University, and Liam O'Donoghue who works as a financial advisor near my home town. Our other team member is 'young gun' Simon Denham or simply Denham who is a student at my old secondary school, but his area of expertise replicates the one of the other three team members-Sport!
I won't go on too much about our disastrous display as it wasn't a highlight of my Christmas knowledge. I wouldnt say humiliation of the fact I had to collect the wooden spoon for our measley 31 out of 65, more the fact that half of my town now know my team as "Meathead and the Gang". Good banter and something I've learnt to take lightly, but at the end of the day disrespecting the 'skipper' shows a lack of faith in their team-mates.
The idea of this blog post was to reveal our lack of brains, along with adding humour to the occasion. Even though our team sunk like a boat with a hole in it, the spirit of the night never faded. I enjoyed my time with the mates I've known for 14 years, and even though we've had many in the past, it is guarenteed there will be more to come.
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