A student from Winchester has been hailed a hero after saving an elderly man from his burning house on Monday night.
Edward Herbert, 20, climbed a ladder to get to the 84 year-old neighbour after a smoke alarm alerted him to the fire.
He said: "I just wanted to get him out. He fainted twice on me, and that was pretty scary because I feared the worst really".
The incident occurred in Chatham Road in Stanmore, Winchester, where fire crews from Winchester and Eastleigh were called into action.
Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service received a call at 21:17 on Monday, 7 December expressing deep concern at smoke coming from the semi-detached home.
The ladder was too short to perform a rescue, but one from a fire appliance was used to save the man, who was then taken to hospital by South Central Ambulance.
Winchester Fire Station Watch Manager Chris Roper, said: "The fire, which was in the ground floor kitchen of the property, is thought to have to started due to an electrical fault"
An enforcer was used to break down the kitchen, while other crew made up a time-critical rescue of the man.
Roper continued: "If it had not been for his neighbours and the working smoke alarm this incident may have had very different consequences"
After tackling the blaze, and saving the man from his house, the call was finally stopped at 22:32.
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