Saturday, 30 October 2010

You call me G-Man, They call me Captain

Big news coming from Kent the past week. Belnor Cricket Club's AGM (Annual General Meeting) was held this Monday gone, and we have a new Sunday captain. It's Winchester's very own Gareth Messenger making me the youngest captain to ever be in charge of a team in the club's history.
To say I'm honoured is an understatement. I am proud, very proud. After joining the club in 2007, to go from a 16-year-old 'newbie' to a 19-year-old mature cricketer in charge of an organised side can only make me a better player and a more responsible human being for sure. The role of captaincy is to deliver good performances both as an on-field player and as an off-field player. Tactics on the pitch require thought, experience and understanding of the game - I still have a lot to learn - but having played cricket since the age of just five, and men's cricket since the age of 11 I feel I have a fair knowledge of the game and how I can change a game.

I have always wanted to captain and a couple of years ago I thought I wanted it, however was forced out of it based on pure inexperience. Now I'm a better player, a more clever player and one who has a great relationship with my team-mates.

I did find it surprising winning the votes. 7-2 I believe the score was against the club's former captain who has been in charge the past 2 years. I believe in success and enjoying the game. I will go full throttle next year wanting to win every match we play - I am very competitive. I will go to every match with the intention of becoming
the club's most successful captain.
What also surprised me was the congratulations I received from my team-mates as well, despite not even being at the meeting.

The most succesful Sunday captain of our club's history was way back in 1994, winning 11 of his 19 matches in charge which was 57.89% of his games. To say I will better that in my first year would be silly. That's a great achievement for our club, but nobody has done better than that. My target for first year is to win 50% of my matches. I myself want to contribute more to the side with my own performances especially with the bat. If anything, my main attribute-bowling was my disappointment last year and I excelled in the batting arena.

I will demand improvement from every player who contributed to the Sunday team last year. I will work them harder than before, but I will guarentee they will enjoy it. Nobody likes to lose a game of cricket, but everybody likes to enjoy a game. The only way to enjoy a game is to play well. If we lose, then we lose, but I want to see us play well. As long as we play well, results will come, if we do not play well then we're the makers of our own downfall.

If anybody is curious and would like to read my stats as a Belnor Cricket Club player then here they are:

When the season gets closer I will be blogging more, and I aim to do a match report both on my blog and as a leaflet so my players can read at the end of every match. I will keep my readers updated on the club's preparation and my side's plans for the upcoming 2011 season. For now though, over and out Roger Wilko!

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